Is The F-35 Really The Most Advanced Jet In The World & How Many Does The US Have?

When a Messerschmitt Me 262 launched an attack on a British Havilland Mosquito over Munich during World War II, it made history as the first fighter jet to engage in combat. The technological advancements that came in the ensuing years would revolutionize air combat, making fighter jets an indispensable part of modern warfare.


If you're wondering how many fighter jets exist in the world today, the answer is nearly 15,000, with the United States having the largest active fleet. The U.S. Air Force operates several fighter jets, including the famous F-35.

The F-35, or the Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II as it is formally known, entered service in 2015. It is powerful but stealthy, and can reach a speed of approximately Mach 1.6 (around 1,200 mph). But is the F-35 really the most advanced fighter jet in the world, or is this perception a result of media hype and defense industry dynamics? How many F-35 fighter jets does the U.S. have?

What makes the F-35 so advanced?

The F-35 is equipped with some of the most sophisticated technology available today, starting with the ultra-precise Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radar. It also features the Distributed Aperture System (DAS), which enhances situational awareness, as well as the Electro Optical Targeting System (EOTS) for precision targeting, and a Helmet Mounted Display System (HMD) to help the pilot monitor critical information at all times.


The F-35 is a multipurpose fighter jet, which is arguably its biggest strength. It can be used for combat, surveillance, intelligence, and reconnaissance operations. This does not mean the Lightning II program is without its flaws — high production costs and delays have been cited as a major drawback.

What is the bottom line, then? Is the F-35 the most advanced fighter jet in the world? It's difficult to answer this question definitively, but the F-35 is, without a doubt, one of the best fighter jets ever produced. It remains to be seen if Russia, China or other nations are capable of developing aircraft comparable to the F-35.

How many F-35 fighter jets does the U.S. have?

How many F-35 fighter jets does the U.S. have? As of 2024, the U.S. has over 600 F-35 fighter jets across all variants  — the Air Force, Navy, and Marines use different versions of the F-35

It should be noted, however, that there are plans to buy 1,800 more. The total cost of the F-35 program is now expected to exceed $2 trillion, as the aircraft's service life will be extended from 2077 to 2088.


The Department of Defense is working on upgrading the F-35, while at the same time trying to reduce costs. Issues with software stability have reportedly slowed down these efforts. 

Other countries around the world also have F-35s, but their fleets are much smaller. The Royal Australian Air Force, which has the second largest F-35 fleet, operates 63 aircraft. South Korea and Norway share the third place with 40, while Israel has 39 F-35 fighter jets. Japan, the Netherlands, Italy, Denmark, and the United Kingdom all use F-35s as well.

