Why Your Phone Gets Hot While Charging (And When It Might Be A Problem)

Electronics often run hot due to the electrical energy running through them. Not a single computer user can claim they haven't felt a laptop heat up their lap or a gaming rig increase the temperature in a room ever so slightly. Everyone with a smartphone has felt the heat coming off their phone, especially while it's charging. It's slightly worse when the phone's charging and you're actively using it. Modern day mobile phones use a great deal of processing power, and it's even more of a task when you're using graphic-intensive apps. If you're playing games or watching videos while also charging your phone, it's going to get hotter than usual.


There's a wide variety of other reasons why phones like Androids overheat. Being in direct sunlight, while obvious, is quite common. Fast chargers are the main culprit these days because of the high power output. Using the appropriate charger for your phone can reduce the chances of it overheating. Third-party chargers don't always follow the same standards set by the phone's manufacturer, often leading to an inordinate flow of power from the charger to the phone.

Needless to say, heat can really hurt a phone's battery. There are several steps you can take to prevent your phone from overheating, but the real question is when an overheating phone becomes a real problem.

When should you be worried about a hot phone?

It's not uncommon to worry about overcharging a phone, which was an issue with older models and could deteriorate the phone's battery's lifespan as well as overheating it. Today, iPhones and Androids come with protective measures to prevent this from happening. Optimized Battery Charging has been a feature on iPhones since 2019 that stops iPhones from charging past 80% if they're plugged into a charger for an extended period of time. Galaxy phones and other Android phones come with a similar feature that can be toggled on or off. Samsung devices allow users to switch to "light mode," prioritizing battery life as well as the battery's temperature.


If you're using this feature, have a fast charger from your phone's manufacturer, and you're taking other protective measures — making certain your phone has plenty of ventilation — but it's still overheating, there could be a greater issue at play. That's when it's time to take your phone into the appropriate store to have it looked at. iPhone owners can make an appointment with the Genius Bar at their local Apple Store. Samsung's website gives users the ability to troubleshoot and/or contact support with their issues.

