Makita LS1219 Vs. LS1219L: What's The Difference Between These Mitre Saws?

One thing you swiftly learn when you become a professional laborer is that the major hardware brands not only sell a lot of different tools, but they don't always do as much as you'd like to differentiate them from one another. If you're browsing around for tools from Makita, for example, some of the big sellers might have wholly unique titles, but other tools only have nonsensical alphanumeric codes to set them apart. If two tools look more or less the same at a glance but have different codes, then surely there has to be something different about them.


One good example of this conundrum comes in the form of a pair of slide compound mitre saws sold by Makita. These saws are the LS1219 and the LS1219L. Obviously, these names seem like complete gibberish, and if you saw both of these saws standing next to each other, you'd be forgiven for thinking they were the same exact model. Indeed, there are several major factors that both of these saws share, though there is a single element that sets them apart from one another, a hint to which you can find in the single differing letter in their codes: An L.

The LS1219L model has an added laser guide

If the LS1219 and LS1219L are nearly identical in just about every way, from their general appearances to their special technology, why are they two different models? What exactly is it that sets them apart? To answer that in a single word, a laser. That's what the "L" in LS1219L stands for. The LS1219L features a laser guideline projecting down from the saw blade onto the work surface. The addition of this laser helps you to make more precise cuts during your projects. This laser line can also be freely adjusted and angled on either side of the saw to fine-tune its projection. 


According to the LS1219L's user manual (PDF), this line is aligned within 1mm of the side surface of the saw blade, so it's technically not 1:1 with the cut, but you can easily bring it more in line with your needs. Incidentally, according to the DXT information page on Makita's website, the LS1219L also possesses a greater depth of cut and length of angles. However, comparing the LS1219L and LS1219's physical specifications from their respective pages shows that both mitre saws are exactly the same in size, range, and capacity, so it is unclear what this really means. 

Both saws are equipped with Makita's DXT technology

If both the LS1219 and LS1219L look very similar, that's because both of these saws use one of Makita's special technological frameworks, one which isn't employed by any of Makita's other mitre saws. This framework is called "Deep and Exact Cutting Technology," or "DXT" for short. According to Makita's DXT info page, this framework is designed with the intent of safely and seamlessly cutting through larger-sized workpieces and projects without sacrificing the level of accuracy you want out of a high-performance power tool.


The DXT framework is made up of a handful of systems you can only find on the LS1219 and LS1219L. First, there's a double-sliding mechanism made up of four steel poles instead of the typical two, which helps to cut down on vibrational force during operation. Second, the double-sliding guide fence, in which the upper and lower sections of the saw mount can slide independently of one another. Sliding the lower section allows you to keep a firmer grip on smaller projects, while sliding the upper section allows for precise bevel cuts. Finally, a mitre lock, which locks the cutting blade's angle in at firm 90-degree angles, adjustable via a simple knob.

The bottom line is, if you just want an accurate mitre saw, then either the LS1219 or LS1219L will do the job just fine. If you're specifically looking for a few extra bells and whistles that, while not explicitly required to do the job, might make it a smidge easier, you may find the LS1219L's laser guide more attractive.


