Optimal Viewing Distance: How Far Should You Sit From Your TV For The Best Experience?

Back in the day, the distance between the viewer and the TV was a touchy subject. At some point, everyone's parents scolded them for sitting too close to the screen, with some going a step further and finger-wagging reading too close to a book too. That's generally changed as we have fully transitioned to flat screens, and it also hasn't stopped old CRT TVs from making a big comeback. Still, there is an optimal viewing distance and plenty of reasons to follow it.

The first is to reduce eye strain. Sitting too close to your TV can take its toll on your eyes, exacerbating symptoms like dry, tired, or itching eyes, headaches, and even blurred vision to flare up. But that's different from the myth that sitting too close will permanently ruin your eyes, which the American Academy of Ophthalmology says isn't true.

The second reason for paying attention to a TV's optimal viewing distance is to get the best experience out of it. Whether it's a 100-inch TV or one you picked up from a budget-friendly brand, every device is made to deliver the best picture at a certain viewing distance.

What is your TV's optimal viewing distance?

Now that we've covered why optimal viewing distance is important, how do you figure out what's best for you? There are a couple of factors at play here, including size, screen resolution, personal preference, and the layout of your room. However, there is a simple formula to follow regardless of what tech you're working with. 

For 4K TVs, it's recommended that you watch from a distance of 1.5 times the screen's vertical size. If you have a 55-inch 4K TV, sit around 39 inches (3.28 feet) from the display, 65 inches should be about 47 inches (3.94 feet) away, 75 inches warrants roughly a 55-inch (4.59 feet) optimal viewing distance, and so on. Because of how our eyes work, 4K TVs look like they're losing pixels the further away you are, so you'll want to sit closer to take in the picture in its full beauty. 

Similarly, you can get further away from high-definition TVs and still have the best experience. They have an optimal viewing distance of about three times the TV's vertical length, so a 50-inch TV requires about 75 inches (6.23 feet) of distance, 55 inches needs 83 inches (6.92 feet), and 60 inches should be about 90 inches (7.55 feet) away. If you're still rocking a standard definition model, sit roughly six times the vertical length away. But, remember that optimal viewing distances are ranges, so sit closer or further away if that's more comfortable. It won't hurt.