How Much Are Vintage Power Tools Worth, And Which Brands Are The Most Valuable?

Power tools can be more than useful items that aid us in our day-to-day lives, but can also be windows to the past, transporting us to a time in society when things seemed simpler while also tracking the evolution of our favorite devices. However, even beyond the sentimental and vintage appeal, these tools sometimes prove to be more dependable than their modern counterparts thanks to their unique construction made with durability and longevity in mind. Whether you're a passionate collector looking for a restoration project or came across something cool while casually strolling through a mom and pop shop, it's worth knowing what you're looking to get is truly worth it.


As you can imagine, various factors go into determining the worth of a particular vintage power tool. A tool's age, its rarity, and overall condition and functionality are among the many variables that sellers will take into consideration when pricing their tools. Every individual dealer has their own method of determining value, with one of the most common being The Fine Tool Journal Classification System that rates a tool's condition from Poor to New. A general guideline by Hunker states that a tool in stellar working condition will go for up to 95% of its original price, a tool in good condition can cost up to 85%, a tool in average condition no more than 75%, and a low-grade tool typically won't push past 35% of its initial value.


What vintage tool brands are most valuable?

Of course, another major factor for pinpointing a power tool's price is the company that made it. While some brands have come and gone, others have managed to stand the test of time, with their selection being favorites among enthusiasts. Your purpose with any given power tool is a good initial indicator of its cost. Are you seeking a long-lasting, functional option? Or an antique for sentimental purposes? Consulting forums and Reddit groups is a great way to find like-minded individuals who can help point towards brands that fit your needs. 


Trusted names such as Stanley are among the most accessible and functional vintage power tools you'll find, with a quick search on eBay showing working drills from the 1950s that cost well under $500. However, as you can imagine, the rarer items often come at a steeper price. German-based manufacturer C. & E. Fein GmbH is an especially rare brand to come across, with the only drill we could find through an eBay search being $600. Some sources state that their tools can go up to $2,000. Millers Falls is another rare find, with some of their items dating back to the 19th century. On the cheap end, an unused 1955 drill from the company on eBay sold for $999.99, while an 1800s Treadle JigSaw on Etsy costs $3,577.50. Ultimately, no matter what the cost, giving one of these classic pieces of tech a new home is a priceless and rewarding experience for tool enthusiasts. 


