This Igloo Iceless Cooler From Costco Is Going Viral, But Viewers Are Upset About The Price

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It's not always easy to tell the difference between a worthwhile investment and something that's just expensive for the sake of being expensive. However, one exceptionally pricey product among Costco's extensive line of unique and underrated tools has been making the rounds across social media, and people are picking their jaws up from the floor after seeing its overblown price point. 

The item in question is the ICF 80DZ 83-quart Cooler, the largest of Igloo's recently unveiled electric compressor cooler collection. With this model, users can forgo throwing bags of ice into their cooler, instead being powered by plugging it into an AC plug or a vehicle's DC outlet. Inside are two separate compartments with a dual zone temperature system that ranges from zero to 68 degrees Fahrenheit, allowing users to keep their items at different temperatures if needed. Combined with a three-stage low voltage detection protection system that protects your car's battery and a dimmable digital display interface, this device certainly has plenty to offer. 

Users got to see this incredible item at Costco when it was shared on Instagram by user @costconew and were amazed by its many innovations — until it was revealed that it cost $699.99. To put it mildly, viewers were shocked by the outrageous price point and didn't hold back in their criticism. 

Users see this as a worthless investment

In a world where smart coolers exist — such as the 24Q Hybrid Power Cooler from Ryobi and the Makita Outdoor Adventure cooler – why shouldn't we have one that runs on electricity? But even with its bevy of phenomenal features, there's little to justify the nearly $700 price of the Igloo ICF 80DZ 83-quart Cooler. On an Instagram post showing off the cooler from @costconew, users such as @michaelcclark1 called it "Way.. Way Too Expensive as an alternative," and @buddyhanratty commented, "You had me until the price."

Most couldn't comprehend the benefit of such a purchase, especially when there's a similar solution common in most households. User @huntbatchscott expressed this sentiment, saying, "I have an iceless cooler too. It's called a refrigerator." Given that both devices cool your food through electricity, it's easy to see how such a comparison can be made. What draws most people to coolers, however, is that they can travel with them while keeping their food cool. But if you aren't close to a charging port for your electric cooler, such as on the beach or out camping, then it defeats the purpose. 

Commenters believed that their money would be better spent on an actual refrigerator or mini fridge, with many even giving specific recommendations, such as @alas3k, who shared, "Paid for a Magic Chef mid-size for less than $320!!!" Magic Chef also sells a mini fridge for $229 at The Home Depot. For those seeking a better-priced item similar to the Igloo cooler, @jmedias_ recommended "Get ICECO instead," which currently costs just under $449 on Amazon.