The Unexpected Product That You Can Use To Clean Almost Any Part Of Your Motorcycle

Motorcycles, at least compared to cars, aren't really safe for carrying around infants, even if you have a sidecar. As such, even if you have kids, you probably don't keep any baby supplies stashed in or on your motorcycle, since you're probably not going to have a situation where you'd need to use them while riding. However, even if you don't have kids, there is a baby product that you might want to consider keeping a pack of handy, either in a riding backpack or a rear-seat bag.


Motorcycles get exposed to a lot of dust, dirt, and dead bugs on a regular basis, so a steadfast way to clean it all off smoothly and quickly is borderline vital. This brings us to our secret weapon: baby wipes. Just like how you can use baby wipes when cleaning your car, when you've got a motorcycle covered in gunk, a bottle of baby wipes can help you get it clean and shiny again.

Wipe it clean

Baby wipes are an excellent tool for budget-conscious, all-purpose motorcycle cleaning. While there are plenty of wet wipes on the market designed specifically with automotive purposes in mind, they can get a bit pricey, especially if bought in large quantities. Baby wipes, on the other hand, are borderline intended to be bought in bulk, so you can get a good deal on them from most big-box stores like Walmart or Target.


Whenever there's some form of contaminant on your motorcycle, just whip out a baby wipe and gently swipe it right off. Thanks to the mild, non-toxic detergents on the wipes, any sticky passengers like dead bugs will promptly lose their stickiness and get off your metaphorical back. After you've wiped your motorcycle down, you can give it an extra rubdown with a lint-free towel to remove any leftover contaminants or moisture.

The only catch here is that you specifically need to use wipes intended for babies, with no chemicals or alcohol. Harsh chemicals like you'd find in Clorox wipes, for instance, could scratch your motorcycle's body or dull the paint, plus they can leave weird smells and residues. Baby-safe wipes usually have a neutral smell that won't offend, and they can be biodegradable, so they can be safely thrown away after cleanup.


If you're driving down a dusty highway and need a quick solution to get your motorcycle clean again, a bottle of baby wipes will work. Plus, they can clean your hands afterward.

