Are You Missing A Key Spot When Cleaning Your Car? It's Quite Likely!

Whether you take it to the car wash or bust out the bucket and rags yourself, it's important to thoroughly clean your car on a semi-regular basis. Dirt, dust, grime, and, if you're especially unlucky, sneaky insects can set up shop in your car's various nooks and crannies. Not only is this gross as all get out, but severe contamination can affect your car's functionality if it gets bad enough, such as dust accumulating in the vents.


Thankfully, cleaning your car isn't that tall of an order. All you need is a bucket of soapy water and a fluffy sponge, and you can knock the whole process out in an hour or two. However, the important thing to keep in mind is that you need to be as thorough as possible when cleaning your car, and that means getting every single spot that grossness can possibly build up. Did you think you were already being pretty thorough? Well, there's one spot you might have missed.

The secret, vital spot

There's one spot (or, technically, four spots) in your car that, more than likely, you've overlooked on a regular basis. It's not unusual, as it's a spot hiding right in plain sight, but it's also one of the most deceptively important spots on the whole vehicle: the tops of your windows.


When we say "the tops of your windows," we don't mean the point at which your windows meet the rubber seal in the frame. You should definitely clean that, too, of course, but we're talking about the physical tops of the actual windows, as in the rounded edges on top of the windows when you roll them down.

Typically, when cleaning your car's windows, you'll spray both sides with glass cleaner and wipe them down with a cloth, right? However, if you only clean in this way, you only get everything below the window tops, while whatever grime had taken up residence between the windows and the seal gets to stay right where it is. Besides the default gross factor, if it rains, all that grime will drip down and make your windows dirty again.


This is an easy fix. All you have to do is roll down your windows during your regular cleaning process and give the tops a good wipe-down with glass cleaner and a rag. Remember to add this habit to your cleaning checklist!

