The Bathroom Staple That's The Secret To Removing Pet Hair In Your Car

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It's always a lot of fun bringing your dog along for a drive, watching them stick their heads out the window and let their tongues flutter in the breeze. However, as nice as it is to bring your furry friend for a ride, pets can often leave more than they bring in with them. Whether you have a cat or dog, the odds are good that once they've planted their butts on your car seat for a few minutes, they will leave behind a veritable galaxy of shed hair.


Pet hair is one of the most frustrating contaminants out there, as it gets into just about everything and everywhere and covers your car with your pet's distinctive odor. Your first course of action may be to whip out the vacuum and suck the place dry, but while that's a decent first step, there's another step to the procedure you should employ to properly clean your pet's shed hair out of your car. The linchpin to this secret step is something you may have lying around in your bathroom.

Break out the shower squeegee

If you have windows, a mirror, or solid shower doors in your bathroom, you're probably already well-acquainted with shower fogging. When everything gets fogged up after your morning shower, it can be annoying trying to get on with your morning routine, not to mention potentially messy. In this situation, you would typically employ a shower squeegee to safely and cleanly remove any built-up condensation.


It turns out, however, that wiping up fogged bathroom windows isn't the only thing a shower squeegee is useful for. The slick, springy surface of a shower squeegee is naturally adept at capturing loose particles in furniture, upholstery, and, indeed, car seats. A few passes will grab loose pet hairs right off your seats, leaving them clean and pet stink-free and without damaging them.

  1. Use a vacuum cleaner or dust buster to vacuum up any large clumps of hair on your car seats.

  2. Run the squeegee along the surface of the car seats in repeated straight lines.

  3. Continue swiping with the squeegee, alternating directions occasionally to catch as much hair as possible.

Once you're done capturing pet hair, just run your squeegee under some running water to get rid of it all.


You can purchase a simple plastic shower squeegee on Amazon for around $10. Just make sure you don't use the same squeegee for car and bathroom cleaning (unless you want your bathroom windows covered in dog hair).

