How Generative AI Will Soon Transform The Ads You See Following A Google Search

AI, combined with the creative brilliance of large corporations and individual modders alike, is doing and will continue to do remarkable things. In this new era, we're able to find Waldo in record time, and we've all gotten stuck on a page in those books at some point. That's AI again, surreptitiously making its way into every little facet of our lives. Hopefully, for the better.


The thing is, so many of us don't pause to appreciate just how lucky we are. College students, for instance, with easy access to the Internet, needn't pore through dusty tomes in ye olde libraries anymore. Google is a knowledge-seeker's best friend. But for others, it's something else: A handy way to make money. Ads are nothing new to Internet users, but generative AI is changing the way they're presented to us as we surf the web.

Here's how Google searches are going to be more aggressively targeted to us, using our search queries. Soon there will be no escaping AI's influence on the use of search engines in the future.

Looking for new customers

For advertising to be most effective, it's important to and tailor it to a potential consumer's interests. The Sponsored pages from Google Searches are relatively effective in this regard, but a little generative AI magic is on the way that will upgrade the whole concept.


In May 2023's Google Marketing Live, the company addressed the way that Search is going to be enhanced for advertisers. In essence, sponsored ads will learn to adapt to the specific topic searched for, rather than having a more general relation to the topic at hand. Google Ads Help explains, "if a user searches for 'skin care for dry, sensitive skin,' your ad will be able to show original, AI-generated headlines that draw from your landing page and are even more relevant to the query, such as 'Soothe Your Dry, Sensitive Skin.'"

While it may not sound revolutionary, it's a significant quality of life step for businesses and potential consumers alike. This change currently has a tentative arrival date slated for late 2023.


