How To Get Free Grubhub+ For Two Years With Amazon Prime

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The modern world runs on delivery. After all, when you're neck deep in your work, you can't very well stand up from your desk to wait in line at the bagel shop for 30 minutes. This is the appeal of food delivery services like Grubhub, but getting all of your food delivered all the time can be a bit pricey after a while. If that's been a concern for you, there may be a way for you to get all your deliveries for free, at least for a year (or two).


Amazon announced this week that it's launched a new promotional partnership with Grubhub to bring Amazon Prime subscribers a free year of Grubhub+, including free deliveries and special members-only discounts and offers. Better still, if you claim the offer before July 5, 2023, you also get a second year for free. If you've already got Amazon Prime, signing up for this deal is as simple as a couple of button clicks. You will need a Grubhub account to claim the deal, but if you don't already have one, then consider this an excellent incentive to get one.

Signing up for the deal

The first and only requirement for obtaining this deal is an Amazon Prime membership. If you're not with Amazon Prime, you can't get it, no exceptions. If you are with Prime, though, then the matter is simple.


  1. Visit Amazon's Grubhub promotional page.

  2. Click the Activate Grubhub+ and save button.

  3. Sign in to your Grubhub account if you have one, or create a new one.

  4. Agree to the terms and conditions to connect your Prime and Grubhub accounts.

  5. Agree to the terms and conditions to share your Prime membership status with Grubhub.

With the agreements completed, you can immediately enjoy the benefits of a Grubhub+ membership.

There are a few caveats you should keep in mind here. As previously mentioned, the offer for two years of Grubhub+ is limited-time. You must redeem the offer before July 6, 2023, to receive the full two years. If you redeem the offer after that date, you will only get one year of Grubhub+. Secondly, if you already have Grubhub+, you can redeem the deal to get another year added to your subscription, starting with your next billing cycle. Finally, your Grubhub+ membership will be automatically canceled if your Amazon Prime membership ends. You can get it back if you restore your Prime membership, though you must redeem the deal again.


