This Google Chrome Extension Will Let You Use Your Voice To Talk To ChatGPT

We're headed towards an AI revolution. What kinds of impacts this technology will have on society, for better as well as for worse, remains to be seen. Dr. Geoffrey Hinton, formerly of Google, is one expert who has expressed his concerns on that very matter. It's difficult not to get swept up in it all, though: Asking ChatGPT a range of questions, from the mundane to the deepest and most philosophical, can be very compulsive indeed.


The technology will, naturally, only become more and more sophisticated as time goes on. It can certainly be difficult to distinguish the difference between ChatGPT's words and those of a human authority on a given subject at times, but there can also be a lack of that innate human quality in the words it produces. One potential step forward in this regard is voice-controlled conversations with ChatGPT. Enter Promptheus.

While Promptheus doesn't allow for full on spoken conversations with ChatGPT, it will respond to the user's voice. Here's how to use this unique new extension for Google Chrome.

How does Promptheus work?

More than 10,000 people, per the Chrome Web Store, have downloaded and used Promptheus. The aim of the project, it seems, is to retain all the insight and almost unlimited fascination of ChatGPT (which can be accessed for free), but to make it faster and more accessible for users.


From the chat page for ChatGPT, users with the Promptheus extension installed just need to log in. They will then have access to the familiar chatbox, but the page will also have an additional function: while the spacebar is held, it will record the user's voice.

As a brief tutorial via Dougie #withSeismic on YouTube demonstrates, ChatGPT will then respond to the spoken query (via the usual text) after the user releases the button. Whereupon, the user can repeat the process to ask follow-ups, as they descend into the information rabbit hole that ChatGPT sessions often develop into.

The creator of Promptheus, Dougie Silkstone (DS on YouTube), explained that a "native JS browser web speech API" was used to make the extension. Using it, then, ChatGPT will not speak back to the user, but such functionality is available elsewhere. Talk-to-ChatGPT, for instance, boasts the powerful functionality of Elevenlabs, allowing the system to read its responses back to the user.


