This New Meyers Manx Kit Is A Modern Twist On The Iconic Dune Buggy

The Meyers Max was an iconic dune buggy from the 1960s. It was simple, fun to drive, and represented the freedom of jumping dunes with your friends. The original Manx was conceived by Bruce Meyers and consisted of little more than a fiberglass tub fitted to a modified Volkswagen Beetle chassis. With the underpinnings of a Beetle, you got the classic reliability of a VW air-cooled motor, and the parts availability of one of the most mass produced cars to ever exist.


Nearly 60 years later, there are still a few original Manx buggies puttering around. But if you wanted to restore your old one or start a build from scratch, there were few options if you wanted to buy parts and kits from the original manufacturer. However, Meyers Manx wants to change that with its new kit: the Manx Remastered. The kit uses 21st century technology to rebuild the fiberglass tub that made the original so memorable.

Combining a classic with new technology

According to a Meyers Manx press release, the kit features the first major upgrades to the Manx since 1970. That includes internal tubes for wiring, an actual locking trunk (original Manx buggies were lacking in the internal storage department), a custom fit dashboard, and a wide array of available colors.


The new kit, which consists of the aforementioned body, the dashboard, and all the pertinent trim, while you have to provide the drivetrain and frame. It was constructed using 3D scanning technology to ensure a snug fit. With all the tools at your disposal in 2023, it shouldn't feel like you're stuck in the 1960s when working on building a kit car. 

The kit will cost $5,995, but people who really want to get working on a Manx can put down a 50% deposit now. A metal flake paint coat is an extra $1,000 and UV-protection is $800 extra.

