This FDA Website Will Tell You If Your At-Home COVID-19 Tests Have Expired

As the pandemic winds down and COVID-19 becomes endemic, testing is one of the main ways people can help reduce the spread of the virus. While PCR testing has been extensively used, at-home tests are far more convenient. People can keep a few tests in their house, then administer them themselves before heading to an event or visiting vulnerable relatives. The tests provide a result in around 15 minutes. There are a few types of at-home tests, though the most common kind is an antigen test which indicates the presence of virus protein in a person's nostrils.


Like many other medical products, at-home COVID-19 tests aren't good forever. After a certain amount of time, the chemicals used to make the test will degrade and its results can no longer be trusted. While expiry dates are printed on the sides, some tests actually have an extended period of viability and may still be good once the expiration date passes. The FDA has made it easy to check if your test is good beyond its expiry date, and exactly how long its results can still be trusted.

How to check if your at home COVID-19 test is expired

The FDA has approved a large number of COVID-19 tests for at home use, and all of those tests will give you an idea of your COVID status to a reasonable degree of accuracy. However, the shelf life of at home tests varies greatly. Some tests, if stored correctly, can last up to two years. Others are only good for as little as four months.


To make things easier, the FDA has produced a handy table which includes all approved tests, their shelf lives, and how to check when they expire. However, things can be a little bit more complicated than simply reading a date on the side of the box. Some tests have had their shelf lives "extended," meaning they're good for longer than initially thought. These tests will have a link to an "updated expiration dates" page in their expiration column. Simply click through to the updated expiration date's page, find your test's original expiry date, double check the "lot number" matches, then you should be able to see its updated expiry date in the right column.

