Rude Awakening

UPDATE 6PM 8/24: Further comments, complaints and insults should be sent through here. Chris has apologized, and I will not standby and let everyone continue to bash him or the citizens of the United Kingdom (you know who you are!). If you don't like SlashGear take your reading elsewhere. -Vincent NguyenI'd like to take this opportunity to apologise to anybody offended by the previous version of this post. I meant no slight against the New York Police Department whom I know do an excellent job of keeping a great city safe.Based as I am in the UK, the incidents some believe are referenced in the article were unknown to me. I can honestly say that any connection was entirely inadvertent. Nonetheless, I can well understand that offence has been taken, and for that I sincerely apologise.I would also like to thank those readers who contacted SlashGear, either through commenting or via email, to bring this matter to my attention and suggest much-needed improvements. Your input is, as always, greatly valued.


For the heavy sleepers among us here is the clock that will be your salvation. No longer late for work, no more angst with your wife or husband when you sleep through your anniversary dinner. The glorious combination of ear-piercing siren and eyelid melting strobe light are sure to have you leaping from bed (and searching for the "off" button).

There's no radio option for those days you'd rather be roused by some soothing classical station, but for a smudge over 23 bucks what can you expect.

Crazy About Gadgets product page [via The Red Ferret Journal]

