YouTube Finally Gets 1080p Support For HTML5, Testing Flash Features
Google is continuing its full-fledged push for native HTML5 by adding support today for 1080p full-HD video playback to its HTML5 player on YouTube's website. And even further HTML5 features released include native fullscreen playback, provided closed captioning, annotations, and a new menu that makes it more easy to embed videos and share videos links. Note that the YouTube HTML5 player is still in trial mode; to try it out, opt in on Youtube's HTML5 trial page right here.
With the current war on Flash being driven by another technology company, Google themselves hasn't entirely killed off Flash on YouTube, however. Some significant changes introduced today for the YouTube flash player includes buffer-free playback and seamless transitions between different video-quality settings. These settings haven't been pushed out to all videos yet, but expect them to be very soon in the coming time.
This is great news for companies who have embraced HTML5 rich content on the internet, and, well, not so good for Adobe, which recently just for their mobile flash player. And full-on 1080P support on the HTMl5 player is yet another thorn in the side of Flash development ans sustainment in general. SlashGear readers, have you transitioned from the Flash to the HTML player on YouTube already? Leave your answers and thoughts in the comment section below.

[via The Verge]