Wikipedia Monument Built In Poland
Wikipedia is the online encyclopedia that can be seen as both one of the most impressive collections of human knowledge, available to anyone, for free, as well as the first resource for students' last minute research when an assignment is due the next the morning. While the website runs on a non-profit model, asking for users' donations regularly, one town in Poland has gone above and beyond to show their gratitude by having a physical monument built.
The small town of Slubice, located in western Poland, along the German border, with its population of roughly 18,000, has contributed 47,000 zlotys (approx. $14,200/11,250 euros) for their tribute to Wikipedia. Standing less than six and half feet tall, the statue features four standing figures with their arms stretched up to support Wikipedia's globe logo made up of puzzle pieces. It is made of fiber and resin, and is laminated to take on a brass appearance. Scheduled to be unveiled on October 22nd, the monument will placed in Slubice's central square.

The original idea for the statue was put forth by Krzysztof Wojciechowski, the director of Collegium Polonicum, a local college in Slubice, who wanted to show his appreciation and awe for Wikipedia and its creators due to the site's size and services. With over 1 million Polish language articles, the Polish version of the site is Wikipedia's 12th largest, and it remains very popular in the country.
The design was done by 30 year old Armenian artist Mihran Hakobjan, who graduated from a college in Slubice. The town's deputy mayor has commented that he feels the statue, "a tribute to an entire community working selflessly for the benefit of others," reflected the ideals of Slubice, adding that it will hopefully increase tourism. Wikipedia is also seemingly pleased with the monument, as a Polish representative for the site said they hope it would continue to raise awareness and contributions.
VIA The Telegraph
SOURCE Collegium Polonicum