Wii Power Glove!
With the news that the Wii sold out completely on its first day of UK release, all those unlucky enough to be stuck at the back of the queue can only wait for restocking and bide their time looking at entertaining hacks like this one. Yes, friends and sorcerers, this is a Wii Power Glove, a 21st Century update of the coveted 1989 peripheral. Enterprising Japanese hackers custom made this fashionable open-fingertip glove with built in Wii controller and finger triggers; make sure you check out the video of it in action, after the cut:
There's a port at the rear of the glove for you to plug the numchuck in, the battery compartment is accessed on the underside, and the A and B buttons are controlled by pressing the thumb and middle-fingers together. They're treating this as a prototype, and already have plans for the next version – including different, more flexible materials for the glove, and relocating the Bluetooth chip.
I'm not sure if the cat in the video is also being controlled via the glove.
Wii Power Glove [translated] [via Hacked Gadgets]