WiGig Alliance Forms For 60GHz Connections

Well, the wireless world is just all over the place right now, isn't it? In an effort to ramp up super high-speed connection options, an organization formed today called the WiGig Alliance who has made it its aim to come up with a common standard for 60GHz wireless connections.


WiGig stands for Wireless Gigabit. The alliance is looking to make networks that run up to ten times as fast as your standard Wi-Fi–like 1Gbps sort of fast–that are capable of not only typical streaming efforts like streaming HD video, but also syncing devices and using wireless displays.

So, who's on board with the WiGig Alliance? During its launch, the first supporters include Broadcom, Intel, Marvell and Atheros on the chip manufacturing side of things and LG, NEC, Samsung, Panasonic and Dell on the PC manufacturing side. Once completed in the fall, new products that possess chips that meet the new WiGig standard will likely be available starting next year.

