TomTom Bandit Action Cam Makes Video Edits A Breeze
If you're going to video yourself or friends rocketing down a mountain, the last thing you want to do is stop having fun so you can edit your take. By the time you get home (or back to the cabin), you might be too tired, but hey — your buddy needs proof he landed that 720. For you, weary adventurer, TomTom is introducing the Bandit action camera, which takes a lot of the editing work out of your hands, and comes with a companion app for easier sharing.
TomTom's Bandit won't light the action cam world on fire with specs. It's got a 16MP CCD sensor, GPS, motion sensors, microSD and USB 3.0. It's also waterproof by design — all really awesome, but not the draw.
The companion app lets you take various clips and patch them together. The difference is that TomTom's app will arrange them with a simple shake; jingle your phone about, and you'll get a movie.

You can also tag your highlights as they happen, or rely on the in-camera sensors to recognize you were in the air videoing that 720 you need to make sure your friend gets a copy of.
TomTom's battery pack promises a full three hours of 1080p 30fps recording, all wireless. You can also use your phone as a viewfinder for framing the perfect shot (wonderful for head mounted cams), and the app lets you upload footage almost instantly.
Good thing it's waterproof, too — TomTom's Bandit arrives in June, just in time for surf footage. If you're interested, check the TomTom website then, and be prepared to drop $399 for Bandit.