The Zen Of Steve Jobs Graphic Novel Available This Week

There's a book out there, ladies and gentlemen, that some might call a comic, but others will know better as a graphic novel, that contains information about the years between when Steve Jobs was fired from Apple leading up to when it rejoined the collective. What we've got here is a based on a true story (though not entirely true word-for-word) account of those years in graphic form, as compiled and created by a set of folks who took vast amounts of time speaking with the people closest to Jobs and the people he worked with during that time. In this book you'll gain a better understanding of what led Jobs to create, for example, the iPod wheel.


During the years Jobs was gone from Apple, he adopted Buddhism and met with an old friend Kobun who, at the Tassajara Zen Mountain Center in California, taught him some rather awesome arts. One example is the walking meditation kinhin, the other being his eventual understanding of the Japanese design concept ma. Simplicity in all things is what this all leads to — have a peek at the preview video here:

The creators of the book would prefer that you pick it up right on over at Wiley. It'll run you a cool $20 USD and you'll be able to get it shipped straight to your door. Interestingly enough, an Instructors evaluation copy request button exists for this novella, this meaning they're pushing it to educators as well. Would you present this book in your class, professors? Either way, grab it now!


