The Only Gun Ok'd For Office Use - The Gun Shaped Computer Mouse

No matter what your occupation, at some point you're going to find yourself under some stress. It's during those times that one might wish for this Gun-Shaped Computer Mouse. The mouse, which is a perfect replica of a Sig P230, offers a fun (and scary!) solution to work related problems. The trigger acts as a left click, while the right click can be found conveniently under your middle finger as you grip the gun. It'll work both for right handed and left handed people which is a plus.


Just imagine how much better you'll feel after a few minutes of thinking about that guy who cut in front of you at the water cooler as you click away. On the other hand if you happen to see one of your co-workers with this fun new gadget I'd suggest taking a vacation.

World's First Gun Shaped Mouse [via Everything USB]

