TegraZone Player's Choice Awards Go To GTA3 And Shadowgun
As NVIDIA hits their first full year of their gaming portal TegraZone, they've blown out with a party which included a "Player's Choice Awards" (which we also participated in) selecting the greatest games available on the market today. Today the results are in, and the games you have chosen were made plain: it's Shadowgun THD and Grand Theft Auto III for the win!
What's amazing about the top winner in this event is that it's one of the very few games that's released to the larger Android world right out of the gate where most TegraZone games are available first only to Tegra processor-toting devices. This game was tested and developed first on the Tegra 2 and Tegra 3 processors and does indeed still work best, or so it's said, on that set of chips, but has from its birth on the Android platform worked on all processors powerful enough to work with it.
See both games in action on the NVIDIA Tegra 3 toting HTC One X here:
If you're going to play this re-release of one of the most classic shooter games of all time, we recommend grabbing either an HTC One X (international edition) or any of the many NVIDIA Tegra 3 tablets that have been released this year. The same goes for the second game that's won an award in this anniversary: Shadowgun THD. This game has been part of the TegraZone family for many months now, and certainly sits in our own review packet as one of THE games to test a device with for performance.

Shadowgun THD won the award for Best Graphics, GTA III won the award for Best Gameplay, and GTA III won the "Best Overall" award. What a fabulous first year for NVIDIA's mobile gaming portal!