Square Enix files lawsuit against rouge swordmakers

At the risk of sounding quite strange to some, I admit that I have a small collection of swords, mostly katana replicas. I have been tempted in the past to add replicas of famous gaming swords to my collection. Most noteably would be the Master Sword from Zelda, and both Cloud and Sephiroth's blades from Final Fantasy VII. I saw all three of these when I was at GenCon Indy last year, and while the Master Sword was of questionable quality, the FF VII blades were excellent replicas. Somehow I wouldn't be surprised to find out that their maker is a part of Sqare Enix's latest lawsuit.


The video game giant has filed suit against at least four separate companies for willfully infringing at least four video games and one movie. The method of infrengement in this case comes from making very authentic-looking replicas of the weapons carried by several of their main characters.

I admit that I'm a little bummed about this, mostly because it would make it harder to get a cool Final Fantasy sword, since I don't believe Square Enix actually sells anything like the ones I've seen. Of course I completely understand the reason they are taking this action, I just wish they would sell officially licensed replicas.

[via Eurogamer]

