Small UK City To Install 100 Self-Driving Pod Cars
Autonomous vehicles are something that will certainly become common in the future. Many automotive manufacturers are already working on autonomous vehicle technology and some of that technology is in use of vehicles driving the roads today. A small city north of London called Milton Keynes has announced that it plans to make a significant move into autonomous transportation.
The city plans to install 100 self-driving pod cars to connect its downtown area to its central train station. These little electric vehicles are called ULTra Personal Electric Transportation Pods. They're not exactly speedy little electric vehicles traveling at speeds of up to 12 mph.

Entire project is expected to be completed by 2017 and will cost $104 million. Pedestrians will be able to call a pod to pick them up using a smartphone application. Each ride will reportedly cost $3.19. The same self-driving electric pods have been in use at the Heathrow Airport in London since 2011.

Each of the autonomous electric pods can hold up to four passengers along with personal items such as luggage or shopping bags. The pods use rubber tires and are able to navigate complicated routes with little infrastructure. The pods are also said to be virtually silent when in operation and produce zero emissions.
SOURCE: Inhabitat