Slow Xbox Sales Doesn't Slow Down Overall Profit For MS

Apparently after all of this time the Xbox really isn't turning a profit for Microsoft. To be fair, it's not just the Xbox that's to blame, it is their entire Entertainment and Devices Division (EDD).

Microsoft reported that they had an overall increase in revenue of 32 percent, or $14.4 billion. However, their EDD had a slow quarter, dropping 21 percent to $929 million. The division did have a lower operating loss than the previous quarter, only losing around $315 million.


A large factor was the poor sales of the Xbox 360 this quarter. Microsoft reported only shipping half a million consoles, down from 1.7 million in Q3 of last year. Of course Xbox sales weren't the only culprit for the slow sales, the Zune also falls into that area. Microsoft noted that they had heavy expenses due to the Zune launch that contributed to the loss.

Microsoft Records Record Profits Despite Slow Xbox 360 Sales [via dailytech]

