SixthSense For Search And Rescue Brings High-Tech Rescue To The Field
Sure, you might not want to wear a normal fanny pack, but we think you might want to make an exception for this one. Then again, if you're not into the whole "Search and Rescue" thing, then it might not be for you. Designed to bring the high-tech to S&R, it's designed to bring the most relevant information to those rescuing people that might be lost, and do so by keeping the information at an easy-to-see location: right off the chest.
Designed by Dieter Amick, he's calling the invention the "SixthSense for Search and Rescue," and it's designed to sit atop a person's chest to act like a front-mounted laptop. When a rescuer opens it up, it's front panel will display pertinent information about the surroundings, the last known location of the person (or persons) they are trying to find, and will also showcase a map so the rescuers don't become the lost.

That's all well and good, but it gets better when you look at the fact it can also hold drinks and food, too. The designer believes that if rescuers have more information at the start, and can communicate better with those around them, then they might be able to save more lives. The SixthSense can be updated on the fly as well, bringing real-time information for people who may need rescuing more urgently, as well as updated survivor locations. It does look pretty bulky, though, and we're wondering if it might get in the way more than anything else when it actually comes to the whole rescuing part.
[via Yanko Design]