Sesame Street Sings "There's An App For That"

Greatest song ever made. This week Sesame Street thrusts itself into the modern culture, as it's always rightfully done, and as always with a lovely little song. Here one of the Street residents tells you all about his brand new device: the iPogo! Not listening at ALL to Apple's recent legal plea for the world to discontinue using the phrase incorrectly or without their consent, this song liberally plays on the idea that every single activity you've got to do during the day has a digital application to go with it. Here it even includes physical "apps" like a knife extending from the iPogo's handles to butter some bread!


Incase you're baffled at what I speak of as far as Apple, take a look at the post "There's an App for that" gets official Trademark posted on October 12th. Then watch this iPogo sing songs, meet a boy meet Matt, count to 10 in no time flat, and do all manner of wild things you'd expect any self-respecting electronic pogo stick to do. I'm lovin it.

[Via Sesame Street YouTube Channel]

