Samsung Silhouette World's Lightest 3D Glasses Available March

You would be hard pressed to walk by a TV display in any electronics store and not find a 3D display touting the benefits of the technology. However, this latest trend to hit the TV market also requires the viewer to wear unflattering and even uncomfortable 3D glasses. And so, Samsung and Silhouette Eyewear joined forces to solve this dllemna with a pair of 3D glasses that will make you forget you were wearing them at all.


Silhouette is known for their rimless eyewear designs and their new model, the SSG-3700CR, is no exception. First introduced at CES in January, the glasses have no hinges or screws to disturb the smooth design and weigh it down. Wrapping nearly around your head the SSG-3700CR's 3D active shutter allows for reduced LCD response time and improves contrast, giving the viewer a sharper and brighter 3D image. Bluetooth is also built in so that the pair can filter out interference from surrounding sources.

"For nearly five decades now, we've been producing rimless eyewear following the motto 'with a pair of Silhouette, vision becomes an experiences without boundaries' through innovation and reduced, refined design. We applied that mantra in designing the new 3D active shutter eyewear too and are happy to see that not just vision, but also 3D television is becoming an even greater experience thanks to Silhouette," said Arnold and Klaus Shmied, co-owners and members of Silhouette's Executive Board.


The SSG-3700CR weighs in at 27 grams and weighs 25 percent less than previous models. For those who worry about fitting the 3D glasses over their regular prescription glasses, Silhouette is planning on releasing a prescription model as well. The SSG-3700CR will be available in March 2011 although specific pricing informaiton has yet to be confirmed.

[Via PR Log]

