PlayStation Move To Be Demoed All Over The Country Starting In September
A few years back, you had the ability to actually try things before you bought them. That is, in the video game industry. Retail stores still feature demo "kiosks" where you can play on a console for a few minutes, and try out a few of the games they've got on some kind of demo disc in the tray, but for the most part, you're at the mercy of other means entirely to find out whether or not you want to buy a game, or even the hardware itself. For Sony, that's just not going to cut it, so they're planning a huge marketing push to get their PlayStation Move into the heart and mind of all potential purchasers. And what's a better way to do that then let them play it, right?
According to Kotaku, Sony has just confirmed to them that they are planning on bringing the motion controller peripheral and platform to malls, shops, kiosks, and even Sony's Patrol Truck (which makes its way across the United States on a regular basis). Basically, they want to make sure that everyone has a chance to play this, and not, say, just four stores across the nation. It's even going to be showcased at festivals like Voodoo Festival.
Best Buy and Walmart are going to be included in this, too. Rumors are sprouting up that Sony's on a huge hiring rush right now, trying to fill the many kiosks they are going to distribute to those stores. Date wise, the huge marketing push for the entire country hasn't been locked down quite yet, but sources say that starting September 11th, that's when the kiosks will show up in Walmarts and Best Buys. Either way, though, it looks like you'll have a pretty good shot at actually trying PlayStation Move before you make the conscious decision to buy it.
[via Kotaku]