Philippe Starck Democratic Ecology Personal Wind Turbine

Philippe Starck may be best known for semi-minimalist furniture, tricky to read watches and a portfolio that could fill your entire home, wardrobe and garden, but the poor guy has recently been taking some time out to sob about how criminally materialistic we all are.  His solution: a personal wind-turbine, called Democratic Ecology


The claim is that a single windmill can generate 20-60% of the energy needed to power a home, and since Starck left the mechanics of the thing to generator company Pramac that's slightly more believable.  It's made of transparent polycarbonate because, well, that looks pretty cool when it's spinning and the light catches on it, but there's also apparently a more subdued version for those afraid of modern design.

Unlike some eco concepts we've seen, though, this one will actually be available later on in the year.  To give Starck his due, the Democratic Ecology is set to go on sale in September 2008, priced at just €400 ($633).  That may sound a lot, but compared to existing domestic turbines – which can cost several thousand dollars – it's actually reasonably affordable.


[via Core77]

