Peel Unveils AllPlay TV At Google I/O

Peel has announced a significant update at Google I/O this week called AllPlay TV that will make it easier for TV fans to find and watch shows and movies regardless of the source. The listings in the new Peel app not only shows TV listings, it also shows DVR content and web content, including what's available on Netflix in one app.


The new app will be available in July via the Google Play Store. The app is enhanced by Google TV and is intended to let you find your favorite content no matter what source the content is on. The app sounds a lot like a giant TV Guide that looks at content you have recorded for live TV listings, and what's available for streaming. The app is designed specifically for Android devices with the Google TV platform in mind.

The app has a Top Picks section that is customized to the user's tastes. This application opens an interesting capability where not only can you record current episodes of shows that are airing right now, but you can find past episodes as well via Netflix and reruns if you miss the season. The app will come to the iPhone and iPod touch later.


