Palm Pre 'Classic' Palm OS Emulator Video Demo

There's just enough time for a final snippet of Palm Pre goodness from CTIA 2009, and now we've a live video demo of the Palm OS 'Classic' emulator.  Made by MotionApps, Classic runs as a standard 'card' in webOS and allows old apps that have been dragged over to the Pre's internal storage to be loaded as if on an old Palm OS device.Palm Pre Classic emulator video demo after the cut


Apps have access to the data connection, and to the emulator it's as if they're loaded on an SD card.  There's no HotSync tethering, but according to the emulator's developers there's a "compatibility mode" which should get around that; we're still waiting to see exactly what format that will take.

The video demo also shows Epocrates, a digital prescription handbook that's well-loved on classic Palm OS hardware by those in the medical profession.  It's great to see Palm have actually looked at what gets the most use from their legacy devices, and planned accordingly for the Pre.  More Pre news from CTIA here.

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