OUYA Returns Inside Razer Forge Android TV
Earlier this year it became apparent that OUYA was going to crash and burn – until Razer acquired their whole company. Upon acquiring the company, Razer (eventually) made clear that they'd be essentially dumping the hardware, but keeping the games. As such, we sort of suspected there'd be a resurgence of the Razer Forge Android TV device, which has had a bit of an odd past, especially over the past several months. That OUYA game collection is back as Razer Cortex for Android TV.
Those of you that use Razer Cortex on your PC, you may be confused at the moment. Wait, you might be saying, didn't they already name the gaming system for PC "Cortex?" Yes they did. They're using that brand for Android TV as well, presenting a similar – but not the same – experience for your TV.
While Cortex for your PC is a system that does many things like find you game deals from 3rd party stores, give your games a boost with ideal settings, and allow you to stream your games as you play with ease, Cortex for your Razer Forge is a game-discovery engine that also acts as an alternate store to Google Play.

Purchases with the Razer Cortex system for Android TV will not show up as purchased in your Google Play account, and vice versa. On the other hand, you will be able to operate Razer Cortex and Google Play on your one Razer Forge Android TV.
What'll be interesting to see is whether or not Razer will ever release Razer Cortex for Android TV for systems other than their own. Time will tell.
Above you'll see the newest Razer Forge video spot, just released by Razer over the weekend. At about the halfway point through the video you'll see Razer Cortex in action.