Nottage Design G-1: Special Resin Creates Glass-Topped Pool Table

From a small toy to something less likely to fit into your pocket – and guaranteed to make more of a dent in your pocket-book.  The Nottage Design G-1 is a glass-topped pool table which promises a "floating on air" feel to the balls thanks to a patented resin coating to the glass, meaning there's resistance as you'd get with traditional felt.Video demo of the Nottage Design G-1 after the cut


What you also get is a non-traditional appearance, with various glass color and frosting options available.  The ball-return mechanism has been integrated into the table's stand, and it uses BCA-specification pockets and K-66 bumpers.  Craig Nottage, who founded the company, came up with the design as part of his final year project for an Industrial Design course in Australia.

Now full-sized pool tables aren't cheap to begin with, but when you start throwing in non-traditional designs, custom finishes and the like, you're looking at something even more expensive.  The Nottage G-1 retails for around AU$39,900 ($25,150), and that's before you start making special requests.

[via Born Rich]

