New Google Camera Released For Android [UPDATE: Auto]
This week Google released the newest version of their "Google Camera" app for the masses – for Android, anyway. This new version of the app give you the ability to take photos while shooting video, first and foremost. That's an ability many devices already have and, indeed, an ability that past versions of Google's camera for Android did have as well – it just disappeared for a while. Now it's back!
UPDATE: This version of the Google Camera for Android devices should now be available to Nexus devices automatically. If you've already installed the APK below – no worries! You're all set.
This version of the app includes an updated shutter button – just what you've always wanted! There's a new icon for switching between your front and rear camera lenses as well. All the new icons!
When you're filming a video – or when you're in video mode, rather – you'll see a separate menu for Slow Motion. This is different from what came before, as the most recent version of the app had Slo-Mo as an icon in the standard video mode.

Where before you'd be able to tap the Slo-Mo button in normal video mode to switch between video speeds, now you'll tap the Slo-Mo button in the side menu. Once the button is tapped, a new button appears below your shutter button which allows you to switch between speeds.
There also SEEMS to be a slightly smoother animation showing autofocus – a smoother bubble, if you will. Our observations here come from the Nexus 6P, and not all features we've seen may be available on all smartphones and/or tablets otherwise.

ANDROID ENTHUSIASTS: Please continue feel free to use these screenshots on your own blog or Tweet or Facebook as you have been, but if you'd be so kind as to keep the watermark in place, that'd be much appreciated. Thank you!
You can find the newest version of Google Camera on Google Play if you're lucky (lucky since it's been removed from the Google Play app store, that is), or you can head over to APK Mirror and tap in from there. If you're part of the Android Beta program, you'll also likely see this camera update in your newest bump this week.
SlashGear is not responsible for any downloading, loading, or use of apps you're doing now or at any point in the future – good luck!
VIA: Reddit