New App Hash Cuts Down Twitter Noise, Delivers News
Twitter is this constantly flowing stream of, well, everything. It's sometimes had to keep up, especially if you're too busy to stay glued to your Twitter feed. A new app called Hash might help, though. Released a few days ago, Hash is a cultivated feed of the things people are talking about most, and gives you quick access to the most topical discussions of the day. If you find keeping up difficult, Hash might help you wade through the noise and hear the news.
Hash does one thing, and it does it really well. By taking the things people are talking about most — then ranking them, effectively — you cut through the long list of clever quips and jabs to get to the news of the day. Though Hash suggests it relies on hashtags, at least in name, it doesn't.
Hash is cultivated, and brings you real news from news sites. For instance, news of the Giants winning the World Series brought up a long list of card-based suggestions of articles to read from websites. You miss out on all the bonfires and nonsense, so keep that in mind with Hash; you won't get the gritty, real-time details.
Though Hash is an interface for news, it's also a Twitter client. Clicking on the "Join the Conversation" button right up top takes you straight into the stock Twitter client.
It's a neat take on cultivated news, and sources it from the quickest source for news around. Missing all the gritty details might not be your thing, though. If you want to get through that and just read the news, though, give Hash a shot.
Source: App Store