National Videogame Museum To Open In Frisco, Texas

Frisco, Texas, will soon be home to the National Videogame Museum; the museum is in development and will be opening its doors to visitors this upcoming holiday season. The museum will, as expected, be home to pieces of video game history: hardware, games, artwork, and such. The museum was founded by Joe Santulli, who describes the museum as an upcoming "nirvana for gamers." If all goes as planned, the Videogame Museum will be opening in December.


The National Videogame Museum will feature 45 bits of hardware, according to Santulli, who spoke with the local CBS news station. That will cover most of the game consoles that have existed. It seems that will be part of an exhibit called "From Pong to Playstation 3."

No one has seen all the exhibits at this point, but it appears some local news stations have gotten varying degrees of access. According to CBS DFW, the museum features a main hall that has a "huge installation" chronicling the evolution of gaming. That main hall was opened to the public this past Saturday as a teaser of sorts.

Said Santulli:

This is the type of place I always wanted. I'm 50-years-old. I've always wanted to go to a place that commemorated all the things that I grew up with and didn't just forget about them. It's time to get that stuff in front of people so that next generations of people, who only got to experience a digital age, get to see how it all started.



