10 Must-Have Business Apps For Windows Phone
Android and iOS dominate the mobile world, and any aberrations in that among business users tends to revolve around BlackBerry. Still, Windows Phone has found a fond place in some business users' hearts, as evidenced by the growing number of business-centric apps available in the Windows Phone store, but as any Windows Phone users will know, picking the useful apps out among the dreck can be time consuming. That's why we've done the hard work for you, hunting and pecking through the myriad of apps available to find the best business apps for Windows Phone.
1. GoToMeeting
If your company or vendors use GoToMeeting to hold presentations, the GoToMeeting app for Windows Phone users will prove a convenient way to accept invitations and attend meetings using your smartphone. The app is freely available from the Windows Phone store.
2. Timecard
A handy tool for business users who want to keep tabs on how long they spend on a project, have backup proof of their hours worked, or a timecard to use for invoicing purposes will find that Timecard – a simple app that does exactly what its name suggests – is an excellent option.
3. CamCard
CamCard brings business cards to modern users, allowing Windows Phone users to add their business cards to their smartphone, swap them with others using QR codes, and more.

4. Novell iPrint
Novell iPrint enables Windows Phone devices to print documents on supported iPrint-enabled printers in corporate or private settings. It includes QR codes for quick pairing with a printer, access restriction to keep documents safe, and printer settings adjustment features.
5. Office Remote
Office Remote is a Windows Phone app you're likely familiar with at this point, as it's one of the most popular business apps available for the platform. With Office Remote, users are able to access and interact with Office on their laptop or desktop computer, including things like controlling PowerPoint presentations.
6. CalendarPro
CalendarPro gives advanced calendar features to those who need them, including integration with one's Live account, different viewing options, the ability to add events to existing events, and more.

7. Hurt Locker
If you're using your phone for business purposes, there's a good chance you have some files on it you definitely don't want left vulnerable to thieves or snoops. Hurt Locker aims to be the solution. With this app, users can encrypt and hide content behind a password, set up a burner password, a decoy data vault, and more.
8. Translator Pro
Translator Pro is a translation app with consistently favorable ratings among Windows Phone users, and with it business users can translate documents and more when traveling, speak into the phone and receive a spoken translation, and take a picture of foreign text to receive a translation.
9. Money Manager
Money Manager is a finances app for keeping track of one's budget, including business budgets, offering some necessary features like cloud-backups with OneDrive and password protection.
10. getHired
GetHired is a business app of a different sort, aggregating job listings from tons of jobs websites across multiple countries, making it easy to keep tabs on what's available during those ever-important job transitioning periods.