Motorola Ups The Stakes, Will Offer $100 Credit For Users That Don't Get Jelly Bean
Motorola hasn't been known for being very timely when it comes to Android software updates for their smartphones. Between the countless times we've heard buyers upset, and the fact that Google has now taken over it appears that they'll be turning the page on those complaints. Motorola has just announced that they'll be offering timely updates to all devices announced today, and even talked cash.
While Motorola's new CEO Dennis Woodside was wrapping up he made a huge statement on device updates. Claiming that the new Motorola will offer timely updates to "most" devices released in 2012 to Android 4.1. Jelly Bean. He then followed that up by stating any devices that do not get updated before the end of the year will come with a bonus.
If your Motorola handset from 2012 doesn't get updated to Android 4.1 Jelly Bean before the end of the year Motorola will be offering all customers a $100 credit towards any of the new devices announced today. That means the DROID RAZR HD, RAZR MAXX HD, or the new budget-friendly RAZR M. The RAZR M is only $99 with a new 2-year contract so that means you DROID 4 owners could possibly get it free with that $100 voucher.
Between developer edition smartphones, HD devices with all day better life, and now timely updates with a guarantee this is indeed the "New Motorola."