Mojito WiFi display wants to own your online social life

When is a digital photo frame not a digital photo frame?  Why, when it's a standalone social aggregator of course; that's just what the Mojito promises, a 7-inch WVGA display with integrated WiFi b/g and a remote control, that can pull in various social networking feeds – such as Twitter, RSS and Facebook – together with photos, weather and more.


The concept is that, rather than monopolise your computer display (or smartphone) with these sort of updates, you can relegate them to a dedicated screen.  Setup and subscriptions are managed by a webform rather than having to scroll through login details with the basic remote, and once it's all set up you can use that remote to share anything interesting you spot with your Mojito "LifeStream" or over Twitter, Facebook or email.

CrunchGear caught up with Blue Lounge, the company responsible for the Mojito, and shot the demo video below; however they, like us, are more than a little sceptical about the $299 sticker price.  A USB sub-display like Nanovision's MIMO range might not have the software, after all, but it's a cheaper way to add a mini screen to your computer (onto which you could drag something like TweetDeck).


