Microsoft Ventures Founder Exits, Forms Gaming Group: Unikrn
We've spoken about Rahul Sood before. He joined Microsoft back in 2010, making it official in 2011. Back then this man was asked, as he puts it, "to join Microsoft with the mission to create or be part of something amazing." He did that, it's done, and he's leaving the company now a little under four years later. And what'll have left behind at Microsoft? A massive undertaking – something that wasn't there before he arrived. Now he heads to a whole new company entirely.
Back in time – Sood started a company called Voodoo. This was a gaming rig creator back in the day – back before 2006 when Voodoo was acquired by HP. Sood came with the deal, and he worked with HP as CTO for several years. Until he moved from HP to Microsoft.
Sood began working with Microsoft as GM for System Experience in their Interactive Entertainment Business. Strange then, that instead of working on gaming – so to speak – he helped create "the Bing Fund."

The Bing Fund was Microsoft's first incubation fund for start-ups. It became Microsoft Ventures.
Microsoft Ventures currently runs 7 accelerator groups in Bangalore, Beijing, Berlin, London, Paris, Redmond, and Tel-Aviv.
But Sood has felt the calling. The gaming call.
"I basically created my dream job and now I'm leaving it – this is the kind of crazy sh*t entrepreneurs do (or at least I keep telling myself that!). My gaming past continues to drive unrest inside me, starting with Voodoo, and then advising various companies including Razer and Vrvana, and now..." – Sood
Sood will be leaving Microsoft to create a company called Unikrn. That's not a unicorn, but it is part of his mission, which is to "create a unicorn." Strange stuff.
You can now call Rahul Sood the CEO of Unikrn, and we'll be watching his actions very, very closely. And Microsoft Ventures will continue to prosper, without a doubt.