Microsoft Patents End-To-End Encryption, But For What?
Microsoft has patented end-to-end security for hardware running verified software. This comes at a time at which encryption and software security is a big, important topic for not only traditional computers, but mobile devices as well. Windows Phone 8.1 has device encryption – but only if you're got your device set up at an enterprise level. Windows Phone 10 (or Windows 10 Mobile, if you prefer) has Device encryption built in for everybody. Just like a real good device manufacturer should mean it to be.
It's not as if computers running Windows have no security within at this point – they can have plenty. With Windows 8.1, Microsoft built encryption into its operating system for desktop machines. It's also available with Windows 10, of course.
If you'd like to encrypt your Windows 10 device, you'll have only to complete the following steps:
1. Sign in to Windows with an administrator account.
2. Go to Start, enter encryption, and select Change device encryption settings from the list of results.
3. Select Manage BitLocker, select Turn on BitLocker, and then follow the instructions.
Easy peasy.

It may not be that Microsoft is bringing new encryption to the masses, but that they're just now getting to seeing the patents run through the USPTO. That's all.
ON the other hand, you'll find the following in the patent application – with mention of the most recent of events you'll likely be familiar with. That is Apple and their iPhone encryption situation that's been popping up daily for the past several weeks.

"When a user submits personal data to a remote service (e.g., cloud-based service), there is no guarantee that the personal data will remain secure or even that the service will produce correct results. At best, the service may have a privacy policy and limit the liability of the service in case of a data breach. However, recent headlines have provided examples of how vulnerability in an operating system, a library, or an application (e.g., software application) may enable personal data to be accessed."
Expect Microsoft to make a few announcements about encryption again in the very near future.
If you'd like to find the full patent and give it a good read, have a peek at USPTO Applicaton #: #20160099811 and see what it's all about.