Lenovo Smartband SW-B100 Sneaks Into Company Online Shop

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We knew that Lenovo was preparing a smartband, as seen in an FCC filing, but just how soon we never realized until now. Although these are basically just placeholders, the continued presence of the Lenovo Smartband SW-B100 on the company's e-shop suggests that the company is quite ready to formally announce the device or, at the very least, is comfortable with giving us hints. Lenovo is throwing around just enough details to give us an idea of what the Smartband is all about, without spilling all the beans just yet.


After its rather ambitious wearable spiel with the C1 last July, Lenovo is toning things down just a bit in that product category. Instead of going out with a smartwatch, as many seem to be wont these days, it has come up with a more focused fitness band. But do not make the mistake of underestimating this smartband, as it has just enough features that puts it slightly above the rest and almost on the same level as Samsung's Gear Fit.

Like many fitness bands, the SW-B100 is an activity tracker and Lenovo's description looks like a laundry list of what you'd expect in a fitness wearable such as counting steps, distance, and calories burned. It can even do sleep tracking. Interestingly, it also mentions heart rate tracking, so we can expect that sensor inside as well. All of this data can be presented in a daily, weekly, or monthly graph via an accompanying mobile app.


Unlike most fitness-focused fitness bands, however, the Lenovo SW-B100 does have some smart functionality. Common among devices of its class are notifications for incoming calls and SMS, in this case with the appropriate sender's name or number. It can also function as an alarm for reminders, health-related or otherwise. Curiously, sharing on social networks is an advertised feature, though that is limited only to tracking information. And yes, it tells time. This Lenovo smartband sounds almost like the Gear Fit except for one important feature. While the Gear Fit runs Tizen, the SW-B100 has seemingly gone on its own path, eschewing even Android Wear, which isn't designed for such fitness bands anyway. This means that what you see is what you get and there is no option for expanding the device's features, at least not coming from third-party developers.

The Lenovo Smartband SW-B100 comes in two colors options of blue and orange, both with black outer straps. No price is indicated yet on the product pages and no hint as to when those details will be filled in.

SOURCE: Lenovo

VIA: phoneArena

