Learn To Code Your Own Star Wars Game In Just An Hour
Technology is everywhere these days. The earlier you're able to learn how to work with it, the better-equipped you'll be in the rest of your life. Kids already have access to smartphones and tablets, and the internet is always at their fingertips. However, if you have a kid that's interested in learning how to do more than just use these gadgets, some Star Wars heroes are here to help teach them how to program like a pro.
The people behind Code.org have been providing the necessary tools to teach kids how to code for some time now. Well, recently they teamed up with Disney to create a new learning tool, featuring some of your favorite Star Wars characters. The first tutorial covers the basics of JavaScript, and uses drag-and-drop blocks to help create your very own Star Wars game.

The tutorials function almost as their own mini games, with puzzles to solve through programming. There are a total of 15 puzzles to be completed, and it is meant to take roughly an hour to work through. You'll also find videos from people that worked on The Force Awakens.
Eventually you'll see support for mobile browsers and a variety of languages. However, for now, you'll need to do this on a PC. The best part of all is that it's free. So if you've ever wanted to try out programming, this is a perfect way to start, no matter what age you are.
Source: Code.org