Kindle Fire Sells Out In Anticipation Of Amazon Event

If you needed any "official" proof from Amazon that their upcoming event was about to introduce a new generation of media tablets, this is it – the Kindle Fire has been announced as "sold out." This announcement comes just one week before the company is set to host an event in which they'll more than likely release a new bit of hardware – at least one tablet with the ability to work with Android media of all types, we're seeing now. The Kindle Fire was launched in September of 2011 and has since been the #1 best selling product on Amazon – and it's time for a refresh.


Not only has the Fire been the top selling item on Amazon for almost an entire year, but the top 10 products on Amazon have been Kindle devices and content, as well. This device is a 7-inch tablet with an IPS TFT display at 1024 x 600 pixel resolution running Android with a special Amazon-made user interface over the top. Users have been working with 8GB of memory built-in, wi-fi connectivity, and otherwise cloud storage managed content for many months.

The Amazon Kindle Fire is now officially sold out on if you're thinking of buying it straight from the source, but it's certainly still out on the market in used condition. Those of you waiting for the next generation tablet from Amazon will have to wait just a few more days – the big event comes down on the 6th of September – and we'll be there to let you in on the full experience. What will the next generation of Amazon tablet action be?


We're expecting something closer to what Google has up for sale in the Nexus 7. Expect a slightly more powerful processor, higher definition display, and a more aesthetically unique situation in the chassis. This next Amazon tablet will likely be attempting to move into more of a unique range rather than replicating the BlackBerry PlayBook as the first generation did, both inside and out. Their unique look at Android will also more than likely be updated bringing on a more advanced appearance and interface. Stay tuned!

