JVC SP-AW303 Splash Proof Portable Speaker Protects Your MP3 Player

If you like to listen to music while in the shower, or plan on tripping on over to the pool or the beach and want some music for the day, you might be interested in the JVC SP-AW303 Splash Proof Portable Speaker.


This speaker uses a flexible plastic faceplate to keep your MP3 player tucked inside of it and safe from any water that might go astray. The great thing here though is that you can press buttons and manipulate the player through the plastic. Wet hands are no longer a problem.

This model is waterproof all over and can run about 6 1/2 hours off of batteries. It features two 28mm stereo speakers and a remote is included for your convenience. You can get the JVC SP-AW303 Splash Proof Portable Speaker now for $79.99 in either blue, pink or white. Not a bad deal if you chronically ruin your MP3 players because of water-related incidents.

