Hydroleaf Shelter Collects And Purifies Water, Acts As Bus Stop

Integrating eco-friendly features into our every day things may be one of the best ways to actually implement the technology, along with the way of life, especially for those who haven't embraced the movement. For something like the Hydroleaf Shelter, it's a great and easy way to provide clean, drinkable water for those who might be waiting for a bus, or other forms of public transportation. Or simply just need a drink.


Designer Mostafa Bonakdar has designed a new way to collect, purify, and dispense water, and has made it into one of the most accessible ways possible. The design is a simple one: the stand collects and purifies rain water, and transforms it into drinkable water for those sitting under the shade, or anyone passing by. It does this thanks to the solar panels at the top of the shelter, which absorb the sun's rays during non-cloudy days to power the unit.

Bonakdar says that the Hydroleaf Shelter will be able to hold up to 60 liters of water at any one time, and if anyone wants to test the water inside, they will simply need a vertical piece of glass that would be placed at the top of the storage tank. And, because it wouldn't be a safe rest stop for anyone walking around at night without lights, the solar energy collected through the day will also be used to power lights, that turn on automatically at night.


[via EcoFriend]

