Hulu Video Player Now 55% Bigger

Same Hulu. Same price. Now 55% bigger. The network-sponsored video streaming site has just launched a massive user interface update, bringing with it a brand new video player that increases the amount of the screen each video takes up by a whopping 55%. Other details were also changed with the UI upgrade.


Now, when users watch a video, all the technical details such as the episode title, running time, and the name of the show, have been pushed below the video streaming box. This means there's more room to stretch out the video and allow users to get a nearly full-size experience without needing to push the full screen button.

Also, that list of related videos that used to dominate the screen has now been relegated so that suggested content doesn't show up until after the video you're watching finishes playing. The old layout was frankly a bit annoying. So all the same old functionality is still there, and this isn't new functionality, per se. But the viewing experience has been enhanced dramatically.


[via VentureBeat]

