HTC One KitKat Update Schedule Solidified
This morning the folks at HTC have confirmed their intentions with the HTC One, HTC One Max, and HTC One mini for updating software builds to Android 4.4 KitKat. With the United States and the likes of Europe, the Middle Ease, and Africa, HTC will be working with carriers to update to KitKat starting – just starting – at the end of January. The Google Play edition will begin updating a whole lot sooner.
The Google Play edition of the HTC One will likely begin seeing an update at roughly the same time as the Samsung Galaxy S 4 Google Play edition, that beginning near the middle of November. Those of you wishing to snatch up early editions of all the little bits and pieces can do so through our recent article on the pulling apart of the Nexus 5 for all the KitKat app downloads. Everything from the camera to the launcher is there!
"Across EMEA, HTC will work with local carriers to begin the roll-out of Android 4.4 with Sense 5.5 for the HTC One from end of January. The Google Play edition will start to receive the update earlier, starting from the end of November. Details regarding the HTC One Max and the HTC One Mini will follow." – HTC PR
NOTE: Catch a full run-down of the consumer-aimed abilities of the newest Google operating system in our Android 4.4 KitKat SlashGear 101 guide.
You'll see that the HTC One Max and HTC One mini are not as solidified in their details at this very moment, but we must assume that they'll be rolling up on KitKat sooner than later. The larger of the two devices is still headed to stores in most places, while the HTC One mini is carried by several brands across the world.

Have a peek at our HTC One mini review as well as our HTC One Max review for a better look at the last two devices to be rolling with the Android 4.4 KitKat update, and jump in on our HTC One Google Play edition review as well for a dive into the Nexus universe. We'll be bringing you the heat from the HTC One Google Play edition with KitKat as soon as possible, too!